Articles and Commentary

The Democrats' sweeping takeover of Congress and its "New Direction For America" put them in a position to give Americans the change in political leadership they are waiting for.

Much of the Democrats' plan walks the traditional party line: raising...

The contentious midterm elections clearly left a mark on the politics of stem cell research, but it’s not clear what the mark signifies. Missouri’s closely watched stem cell initiative barely squeaked by with 51 per cent of the vote, despite...

As the midterm elections draw near, stem cell politics may be taking a new turn. For years, the debate about stem cell and cloning research has focused almost completely on the moral status of embryos. The need for young women...

Both "Breeder Reaction" and "Souls on Ice" begin to tackle the profound issues and difficult questions raised by new human biotechnologies: How do we take reproductive and genetic technologies out of the free-market realm of anything-goes-for-those-who-can-pay, while making sure that...

The recent breakthrough that may allow scientists to create human embryonic stem cells without destroying embryos may move stem cell conversations beyond the deliberative quagmire of abortion politics and embryos' moral status. But it would be misguided to think that...

Connecticut and a handful of other states are funding human embryonic stem cell research on their own, in reaction to the federal stalemate. Unfortunately, there are signs that Connecticut's $100 million program is rushing forward in a reckless and haphazard...

GenSpec, a Florida-based company, has begun selling new lines of multivitamins targeted at African-Americans, Caucasians, and Hispanics, touting them as "the first genetically specific nutritional supplements." This follows on the heels of the FDA's June 2005 approval of BiDil®, a...

After years of rancorous debate, Tuesday's vote by the U.S. Senate on a package of stem-cell research bills suggests that responsible bipartisan action actually may be possible.

Nineteen Republican senators broke with the anti-abortion base of their party and with...