Articles and Commentary

Presentation at Take Back America conference, Washington, DC

My remarks today are about progressive values and the politics of stem cell research, and I have some things to tell you that you may not expect.

We all know that the...

Support for stem cell research has become a cause célèbre among Democrats. Last year New Jersey Senator Jon Corzine made it a big part of his successful campaign for Governor. This year New York Attorney General Elliott Spitzer is proposing...

To the Editor:

Re "Democrats Hope to Divide G.O.P. Over Stem Cells" (news article, April 24):

I'm a lifelong Democrat, pro-choice on abortion and in favor of stem cell research. But over-the-top promotion of this research is a mistake that...

President Bush's State of the Union address highlighted several key policy issues, such as America's dependency on foreign oil, the ongoing war in Iraq and Baby Boomers' impact on Social Security. But the president's call for legislation to prohibit scientists...

The governing board of California's new multibillion-dollar stem-cell research program meets today in Palo Alto to adopt policies in two critical and controversial areas. These are probably more important to protecting Californians' interests than who eventually gets research grants.


The leaders of California's ambitious stem cell research program should closely read the news of the last couple months. A scandal including fraud, lies and cover-ups has ended the careers of scientists in South Korea, including Hwang Woo-suk, one of...

So now it's confirmed that South Korean stem cell king Hwang Woo Suk had been lying all along - not just about the illicit manner in which the women's eggs used in his experiments were obtained, but about his major...

The debate about stem cell research has focused for years on the moral status of the human embryo, largely overlooking the welfare of women who will provide eggs to produce those embryos. But that situation is changing. The recent revelations...