
Biopolitical Times
The Russian molecular biologist who wants to edit the genomes of human embryos is getting impatient with authorities who won't yet let him go ahead.

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The Department of Homeland Security said it would begin collecting genetic data on hundreds of thousands of immigrants in federal detention facilities.

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At least 10 babies have been born to apparently infertile women as a result of a controversial in vitro fertilization...

Image is a graphic of a vial with a red cap filled with blood, and a circle containing a zoom-in view of the blood inside the vial, which shows crescent-shaped blood cells indicative of sickle cell disease.

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Image shows a pipet inserting some sort of liquid into petri dish under a microscope.

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a multicolor DNA strand dissolving onto a yellow background

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deaf community graphic

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Man is shown typing on his laptop analyzing various data visualizations, such as pie charts, line graphs and bar graphs.

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