Articles and Commentary

The workforces of Facebook and Apple are 69 percent and 70 percent male, and the companies have been getting a lot of flack for those figures. In their latest bid to attract and retain more women, the tech giants have...

If you have children under the age of ten (or know anyone who does), you know at least one person who’s bought an Elsa costume for Halloween. But what if you’re a person for whom the word “frozen” doesn’t trigger...

Science writer David Dobbs has definitively described the voracious appetite of the "selfish gene" meme, pointing out that the notion of individual genes exercising power on the outcome of events has been so good at mass producing itself, that "the...


As the genetically modified food wars wage on, another bombshell has been quietly waiting to drop: We could soon start genetically modifying people.

There has been a lot of confusion around this controversial issue, but...

The notoriety of the Tuskegee syphilis study is unparalleled in the field of bioethics. Last week marked the 42nd anniversary of the horrific experiment's termination, and many people took the opportunity to recall Tuskegee and examine its relevance to the...

Returning home from fieldwork can be difficult when you find yourself caught between an unintended call back to your project and the impending reality that home has lost its capacity to act as sanctuary. That was at least the situated...

Nicholas Wade's book A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race and Human History has been out for a month, and the fuss, such as it was, seems to be dying down. As of June 6, its Amazon rank has dropped to 1300...

Three-person IVF is a critical departure from the traditional kind. This new and biologically extreme technique, which has generated scientific and bioethical controversy on both sides of the Atlantic, would combine genetic material from one man and two women in...