Articles and Commentary

The Misstep of Human Cloning


by Marcy Darnovsky
San Francisco Chronicle
January 6, 2003


When an extraterrestrial-friendly religious guru and his orange-haired chemist sidekick claimed last month to have cloned a human baby, widespread doubt about their credibility...

As this article is being written, delegates from nearly every country are meeting at the United Nations to take the next steps towards an international convention banning human reproductive cloning. Human cloning is the latest, and loudest, in a series...

July/August 2002

The new human genetic technologies are arguably the most consequential technologies ever developed. Many applications have great potential to prevent disease and alleviate suffering, but others would open the door to a new, high-tech eugenics that could destabilize...

July/August 2002

The atmosphere. The oceans and fresh waters. The land itself, and the fruits and grains our forebears bred and cultivated upon it. The broadcast spectrum. The attention spans of our children.

Does such a list adequately evoke "the...

July/August 2002

As Raymond Barglow's and Jeremy Rifkin's articles demonstrate, thoughtful people of good conscience and progressive politics may come to different conclusions about human embryo cloning.

Rifkin, along with other progressives, believes that embryo cloning could open the door...

After a year of intense debate, the US Senate is set to vote on human cloning. The two constituencies most actively engaged – biomedical scientists and religious conservatives – have battled each other to a deadlock. None of the bills...

Cloning and the new technologies of human genetic modification are among the most powerful and consequential technologies ever developed. If used wisely they offer new ways to prevent and cure disease, but if abused they could usher in an era...

The U.S. Senate is set to vote on human cloning within the next few weeks. Unfortunately, a polarized political climate and lack of political leadership could block urgently needed legislation.

The great majority of people intuitively understand that the creation...