
When venture capitalist Jack Abraham first began dating his wife, Gabriella Massamillo, he insisted on one condition: that when they were ready to have children, she’d be willing to conceive using in vitro fertilization. Abraham had lost both his mother...

Image "Sir Francis Galton" by Spudgun67 from Wikimedia Commons licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

IN 2013, A SERIES of ads about the dangers of teen pregnancy appeared on New York City subway trains. Sponsored by the city’s Human Resources Administration...

Medical geneticists and genetic counselors have an often complicated and at times tense relationship with people with disabilities, their families...

Image by NIH Image Gallery from Flickr

The Biopolitical Times reported this month that the California stem cell and gene...

Image shows a pipet inserting some sort of liquid into petri dish under a microscope.
By Stephanie Dutchen, Harvard Medical School | 05.14.2024

At a glance: 

Survey reveals nearly three-quarters of U.S. adults support using emerging technology to screen embryos during IVF for...

Image of many bubbles that appear to be multicolored against a dark background.
By Hannah Devlin, The Guardian | 05.14.2024

Photo by Kind and Curious from Unsplash

When Great Ormond Street hospital (Gosh) published the results of its gene therapy...

a multicolor DNA strand dissolving onto a yellow background
By Kristen V. Brown, Bloomberg | 05.14.2024

Answers to our greatest questions, we were told about a decade ago, could be ours if we just spat in...

deaf community graphic
By Oliver James Campbell, The Guardian | 05.13.2024

As someone who has been hard of hearing since I was a teenager, I read with great interest about the...

Man is shown typing on his laptop analyzing various data visualizations, such as pie charts, line graphs and bar graphs.
By Gabriel Borelli, Pew Research Center | 05.13.2024

Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

The political debate around access to in vitro fertilization (IVF) intensified this year,  following...

Image shows a pediatrician with short blond hair inspecting a baby's right ear.
By Victoria Bisset and Adela Suliman, The Washington Post | 05.09.2024

Photo by CDC from Unsplash

A baby girl born with profound genetic deafness can now hear unaided after receiving a...

a photo of New York City Hall
By Maham Javaid, The Washington Post | 05.09.2024

"New York City Hall" by Aude is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5 DEED

New York City is denying...

gene therapy graphic
By Ryan Cross, Endpoints News | 05.08.2024

A half-decade after a scientist’s reckless experiment with human embryos put a stop to much of China’s clinical work on...