
IN THE Operation Varsity Blues scandal of 2019, 50 wealthy parents were charged with trying to get their children into elite universities through fraudulent means. The story dramatically demonstrated the lengths to which some parents will go to ensure their...

The gene-editing tool CRISPR enabled a groundbreaking new treatment for sickle-cell disease, and in the future, scientists anticipate that it could be used to tackle cancer, forms of inherited blindness, various superbug infections and even HIV...

There was immediate backlash when Alabama’s Supreme Court ruled in February that embryos created through in vitro fertilization qualified as...

When venture capitalist Jack Abraham first began dating his wife, Gabriella Massamillo, he insisted on one condition: that when they...

By Heidi Ledford, Nature | 11.23.2022

A systematic sweep of viral genomes has revealed a trove of potential CRISPR-based genome-editing tools.

CRISPR–Cas systems are common in...

FDA sign outside of building
By Sara Reardon, Nature | 11.23.2022

David Bennett’s heart was failing. The 57-year-old handyman from Maryland had weeks to live and, because he had a history...

red blood cells
By Edward Helmore, The Guardian | 11.23.2022

US drug regulators have approved a one-off gene-therapy treatment for adults with the genetic blood disorder hemophilia B that frees...

two identical cats
By Craig Miller, Morningstar | 11.22.2022

It runs about $50,000 for a dog, with a 20% success rate, and there are numerous ethical considerations

This article...

colorful genes
By Carrie Arnold, The Atlantic | 11.20.2022

Thousands of miles from home in the steamy Amazon rainforest in the mid-1800s, the British naturalist Henry Walter Bates had...

green lab gloves pipette into tray of test tubes
By Melissa Harris-Perry, WNYC Studios | 11.17.2022

Assisted reproduction clinics have seen a sharp rise in the number of Black folks seeking their services during the pandemic. But many ...

genome sequencing against disease
By Julia Black, Insider | 11.17.2022

Sitting in their toy-filled family room on a sunny September afternoon, Simone and Malcolm Collins were forced to compete with...

eye exam
By Jocelyn Kaiser, Science | 11.17.2022

After some early but cautious optimism, a company is shelving its pioneering gene-editing treatment for a rare inherited blindness disorder...