
IN THE Operation Varsity Blues scandal of 2019, 50 wealthy parents were charged with trying to get their children into elite universities through fraudulent means. The story dramatically demonstrated the lengths to which some parents will go to ensure their...

The gene-editing tool CRISPR enabled a groundbreaking new treatment for sickle-cell disease, and in the future, scientists anticipate that it could be used to tackle cancer, forms of inherited blindness, various superbug infections and even HIV...

There was immediate backlash when Alabama’s Supreme Court ruled in February that embryos created through in vitro fertilization qualified as...

When venture capitalist Jack Abraham first began dating his wife, Gabriella Massamillo, he insisted on one condition: that when they...

drawing of three human figures on pedestals with the one in the middle elevated above the others with a star above its head
By Paris Marx, Disconnect | 04.21.2023

Elon Musk has been warning about population decline and smaller families for years. In his 2015 biography, he’s quoted as...

A strand of double helix DNA
By Crystal Grant, ACLU | 04.19.2023

Newborn screening programs are a vital public health measure implemented in the U.S. and across the world, with about one...

sperm swimming under a fluorescent light
By Emma Bubola, The New York Times | 04.18.2023

The couple had dreams of a big family. They would have five children, who would have their father’s mop of...

a blond a pale skin sits in a diaper on the bed in a doctors office. A doctor with only his arm in frame puts a stethoscope to their back.
By Anna Merlan, Vice | 04.17.2023

For several years, parents of autistic children have paid between $10,000 and $15,000 to have their children undergo unproven stem...

A magnifying glass revealing the human genome from a DNA sequence
By Jane Clinton, Camden New Journal | 04.13.2023

The Cut + Paste exhibition is at The Crick

IF you had the chance to choose elements of yourself to...

stack of books
By Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, ELSIhub | 04.12.2023

Photo by Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash


The development and use of an expanding range of medical technologies that yield...

macaque monkey
By Françoise Baylis, The Conversation | 04.12.2023

In January 2017, I met Jiankui He, the now-infamous Chinese scientist who would go on to create the world’s first...

drawing of a strand of DNA with tweezers removing a section
By Colin Baker, Al Jazeera | 04.11.2023

Two clinics sit adjacent to one another in a new hospital in a medium-sized city in the developed world.
