
When venture capitalist Jack Abraham first began dating his wife, Gabriella Massamillo, he insisted on one condition: that when they were ready to have children, she’d be willing to conceive using in vitro fertilization. Abraham had lost both his mother...

Image "Sir Francis Galton" by Spudgun67 from Wikimedia Commons licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

IN 2013, A SERIES of ads about the dangers of teen pregnancy appeared on New York City subway trains. Sponsored by the city’s Human Resources Administration...

Medical geneticists and genetic counselors have an often complicated and at times tense relationship with people with disabilities, their families...

Image by NIH Image Gallery from Flickr

The Biopolitical Times reported this month that the California stem cell and gene...

a piece of DNA colored white over an american dollar bill on a blue background
By Rob Stein, NPR | 05.02.2023

When Chase Finazzo was just a few years old, his parents noticed Chase was pretty clumsy. But they didn't think...

A eugenics poster
By Émile P. Torres, Truthdig | 05.01.2023

When most people hear the word “eugenics,” they immediately think of the Nazis. And for good reason: the Nazis force-sterilized...

an anti abortion ban protest
By Carla Hall, Los Angeles Times | 05.01.2023

Among the dubious points that U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk makes in his recent ruling suspending the Food and Drug...

a sickle cell red blood cell with its characteristic shape
By Carolyn Y. Johnson, The Washington Post | 04.28.2023

DACULA, Ga. — For as long as he can remember, Jimi Olaghere felt he was destined to be a father...

sperm colored blue swimming across a black background
By Claire Moses, The New York Times | 04.28.2023

A man who has fathered between 550 and 600 children over the past 16 years is not allowed to donate...

A gloved pink cartoon hand holding a cartoon vial with blue liquid and 3 pink embryos in it
By Kristine Thomason, Women's Health | 04.27.2023

At 22, Arianna W. was certain she wanted to freeze her eggs—one day.

It was 2016, and she was interning...

drawing of a scientist writing on a clipboard with two strands of DNA above, one labeled with a check mark and the other with an X
By Christos Konstantopoulos, The Collector | 04.27.2023

What is the first period that comes to mind when one hears the term “eugenics”? For many, the answer is...

a black and white photo of a striped bed with a baby peaking over the edge. The left side of their face is visible.
By Antonio Regalado, MIT Technology Review | 04.26.2023

Elizabeth Carr is head of commercial development at Genomic Prediction, a New Jersey genetic testing startup that says it...