
When venture capitalist Jack Abraham first began dating his wife, Gabriella Massamillo, he insisted on one condition: that when they were ready to have children, she’d be willing to conceive using in vitro fertilization. Abraham had lost both his mother...

Image "Sir Francis Galton" by Spudgun67 from Wikimedia Commons licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

IN 2013, A SERIES of ads about the dangers of teen pregnancy appeared on New York City subway trains. Sponsored by the city’s Human Resources Administration...

Medical geneticists and genetic counselors have an often complicated and at times tense relationship with people with disabilities, their families...

Image by NIH Image Gallery from Flickr

The Biopolitical Times reported this month that the California stem cell and gene...

two people editing parts of DNA
By Alice Park, Time | 06.23.2023

For genetic conditions like Duchenne muscular dystrophy, there is little doctors can do to slow or treat the condition other...

5 eggs and what seems to be a needle
By Susan Burton, The New York Times and Serial Productions | 06.22.2023

The patients in this story came to the Yale Fertility Center to pursue pregnancy. They began their I.V.F. cycles full...

3 babies in 3 different shades of green and they are being compared and ranked against each other
By Justin McCurry, The Guardian | 06.22.2023

Campaigners in Japan have reacted angrily to a government report revealing that children as young as nine were among thousands...

a hand holding a pregnancy test with many other pregnancy tests surrounding it
By Tracy Lowe, Parentology [cites CGS' Katie Hasson] | 06.21.2023

If you could choose the healthiest embryo to carry so that your future child could avoid deadly diseases, would you...

scientist injecting with syringe into egg with sperm inside it - with 3 test tubes in the foreground
By Stuart Newman and Tina Stevens, Independent Science News | 06.19.2023

Research on the manufacture of egg-like and sperm-like cells for the purpose of producing laboratory-crafted human children is proceeding rapidly...

a clump of 6 cells within a circular sac-like structure - all in orange
By Philip Ball, Nature | 06.16.2023

Two teams of scientists have announced that they have grown embryo-like structures, made entirely from human stem cells, that are...

a face with lines of yellow running thru it
By Émile P. Torres, Truthdig | 06.15.2023

TESCREAL—pronounced “tess-cree-all.” It’s a strange word that you may have seen pop up over the past few months. The renowned...

a building with a sign in front in white lettering on a blue background saying FDA
By Anna Clark, ProPublica | 06.14.2023

After decades of intense debate and stalled legislation, the Food and Drug Administration has taken a critical step in overseeing...