A single cell.
A global business worth billions.
A trade that can bring rewards—or human costs that cannot be measured...
Updates to South African research ethics guidelines which recognize significant potential for treating genetic diseases through heritable human genome editing...
A team of Italian researchers has reached a major scientific milestone, heralding a revolution in the field of medicine. The...
Eugenics is widely regarded as a debunked pseudoscience—developed and promoted mostly in Nazi Germany—that fell off the political radar after...
Doctors say a man in California who contracted blood cancer while living with HIV is in remission from both potentially...
Some geneticists have expressed their unease about a figure in a high-profile Nature paper that was published earlier this week...
This decision will affect the millions of people who become pregnant each year, their families, and their health care providers...
In the years leading up to Russia’s invasion, Ukraine had become a burgeoning hub of clinical trials, particularly in oncology...
Imagine having 15 miscarriages.
Maybe you can shrug off the first one or two and keep trying to have children...
The bizarre episode was at the center of lawsuits filed by three families that eventually reached the Alabama Supreme Court...