
When venture capitalist Jack Abraham first began dating his wife, Gabriella Massamillo, he insisted on one condition: that when they were ready to have children, she’d be willing to conceive using in vitro fertilization. Abraham had lost both his mother...

Image "Sir Francis Galton" by Spudgun67 from Wikimedia Commons licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

IN 2013, A SERIES of ads about the dangers of teen pregnancy appeared on New York City subway trains. Sponsored by the city’s Human Resources Administration...

Medical geneticists and genetic counselors have an often complicated and at times tense relationship with people with disabilities, their families...

Image by NIH Image Gallery from Flickr

The Biopolitical Times reported this month that the California stem cell and gene...

a monkey
By Helen Floersh, Fierce Biotech | 11.10.2023

The images are unsettling, to put it mildly: a baby monkey whose skin grows eerily green, with glowing fingertips reminiscent...

a lecture hall
By Gretchen Vogel, Science | 11.10.2023

All health care students worldwide should learn the history of medicine during the Nazi regime and the Holocaust, according to...

graphic of a scientist pulling out a particular part of a strand of DNA
By Quinton Amundson, The Catholic Register | 11.10.2023

With danger comes some interesting prospects in the field of gene therapy and genome editing, Dr. Brett Salkeld believes.


graphic a human head with data points on top of them
By Emile P. Torres, Truthdig | 11.09.2023

It’s been a no good, very bad year for Effective Altruism, or “EA” for short, the cultural movement that...

poctures of Holocaust victims
By Herwig Czech et al. , The Lancet | 11.08.2023

Executive Summary

The Holocaust, the systematic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of 6 million Jews by the National Socialist (Nazi) regime...

a sickle cell
By Ned Pagliarulo and Shaun Lucas, BioPharma Dive | 11.08.2023

For most people, red blood cells travel smoothly through the body. Round and flexible, they flow through arteries and veins...

vials of blood
By Emily Mullin, Wired | 11.08.2023

image "Blood Samples" by Daniel Sone from the website of the National Cancer Institute

When Hannah Lovaglio’s children were born, she...

map of california
By Garnet Henderson, Rewire News Group | 11.06.2023

“We go in for excessive bleeding and come out missing body parts! How does that make sense?”

For more than...