
When venture capitalist Jack Abraham first began dating his wife, Gabriella Massamillo, he insisted on one condition: that when they were ready to have children, she’d be willing to conceive using in vitro fertilization. Abraham had lost both his mother...

Image "Sir Francis Galton" by Spudgun67 from Wikimedia Commons licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

IN 2013, A SERIES of ads about the dangers of teen pregnancy appeared on New York City subway trains. Sponsored by the city’s Human Resources Administration...

Medical geneticists and genetic counselors have an often complicated and at times tense relationship with people with disabilities, their families...

Image by NIH Image Gallery from Flickr

The Biopolitical Times reported this month that the California stem cell and gene...

multicolor strands of DNA on blue gradient background
By Carrie Arnold, Nature Biotechnology | 04.17.2024

Tome Biosciences came out of stealth mode on 12 December with a haul of over $200 million to develop the...

eugenics tree graphic
By Osagie K. Obasogie, L.A. Review of Books | 04.17.2024


When Robert G. Edwards won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2010 for developing in vitro fertilization...

DNA dissolving
By Yelena Biberman and Jonathan D. Moreno, Bioethics Forum | 04.16.2024

A quiet biological revolution in warfare is underway. The genome is emerging as a new domain of conflict. The level...

worker in a lab pipettes
By Eric Schmidt, TIME | 04.16.2024

Imagine a world where everything from plastics to concrete is produced from biomass. Personalized cell and gene therapies prevent pandemics...

By Timnit Gebru and Émile P. Torres, First Monday | 04.14.2024

The stated goal of many organizations in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) is to develop artificial general intelligence (AGI)...

orchid graphic
By Jason Kehe, Wired | 04.11.2024

God help the babies! Or, absent God, a fertility startup called Orchid. It offers prospective parents a fantastical choice: Have...

By Neel Shah, The Preprint | 04.11.2024

Years ago, I interviewed for a residency position at The Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. Standing before the domed Victorian...

stem cells
By Tomoko Otake, The Japan Times | 04.09.2024

A decade ago, researcher Haruko Obokata caused a sensation when she published two papers in the journal Nature, in which...