CGS in the News

When venture capitalist Jack Abraham first began dating his wife, Gabriella Massamillo, he insisted on one condition: that when they were ready to have children, she’d be willing to conceive using in vitro fertilization. Abraham had lost both his mother...

By David Jensen [cites CGS' Pete Shanks], The California Stem Cell Report | 06.24.2024

Image by NIH Image Gallery from Flickr

The Biopolitical Times reported this month that the California stem cell and gene...

latex gloves and a home DNA test swab and vial
By David Lazarus , Los Angeles Times [Cites CGS' Marcy Darnovsky] | 02.10.2020

These have been rough days for the DNA-testing business — an industry that sprang up seemingly overnight with promises of...

Silhouettes of prisoners behind a fence.
By Emily Mullin, Medium One Zero [cites CGS' Katie Hasson] | 01.08.2020

This week, the United States government will begin collecting DNA samples from thousands of people detained by immigration officials, including...

Artistic rendering of DNA being severed by CRISPR
By Theresa Machemer, Smithsonian Magazine [Cites CGS' Marcy Darnovsky] | 12.31.2019

On Monday, a court in Shenzhen sentenced He Jiankui—the scientist who performed CRISPR gene-editing on twin human embryos—to three years...

Gloved hand drops liquid into a vial labeled CRISPR
By Merrit Kennedy, NPR [Cites CGS' Marcy Darnovsky] | 12.30.2019

A Chinese scientist who shocked the medical community last year when he said he had illegally created the world's first...

By Anis Chowdhury, The Financial Express [cites CGS' Marcy Darnovsky] | 12.13.2019

At the start of this year (February 06, 2019), The New York Times published Farhad Manjoo's passionate opinion piece, "Abolish...

Poster for ANYA
By Victoria Turner, Synapse [cites CGS' Marcy Darnovsky] | 11.08.2019

In 2018, the story broke of a Chinese researcher who had made real-life use of CRISPR to edit two human...

a doctor with white hair explains a medical procedure to a young white couple with brown hair
By Kelly Glass, Medium Elemental [cites CGS' Marcy Darnovsky] | 11.06.2019

When Pamela Mahoney Tsigdinos and her husband were trying to conceive with in vitro fertilization (IVF), they were presented with...

abstract image of circles in blue, pink, and green
By Emily Mullin, Medium One Zero [cites CGS' Marcy Darnovsky] | 10.15.2019

An experimental and much-hyped reproductive procedure that mixes DNA from three people is not effective at boosting the chances of...