Aggregated News
When my partner Andrea became a surrogate for another lesbian couple we had no idea we would end up starting over as new parents, especially to a child who has Down Syndrome (a disability which once scared the living daylights out of me) or that our lives would forever be changed — for the better.
But that is exactly what happened and our tale is likely to repeat itself as more and more LGBT couples use surrogates to create their families. You can chose the perfect egg donor or the perfect sperm donor and your baby still may not be as you anticipated, but they are in fact perfect just as they are.
Andrea, the two intended mothers and I had gone through so much to make the baby using Andrea’s eggs and donated sperm. It took 7 emotional months filled with zany characters, and highs and lows that we never expected, but finally we were pregnant. The intended Momma’s were so happy they nicknamed their baby girl, “Peanut.” The 4 of us were on a balloon headed...