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Senate Republicans blocked a Democratic bill to provide a nationwide right to IVF treatments. It was the second time Senate Democrats tried and failed to advance the measure.

Reproductive freedom has remained a central issue in several Senate contests that will determine which party controls of the chamber after the November election. Democrats used the vote in an effort to draw a public contrast with Republicans over an issue that has animated voters across the country.

The procedural vote required 60 votes to advance he bill, but it failed 51- 44.

Days before the vote GOP lawmakers dismissed the move as a "show vote." Senator John Thune, R-S.D., told reporters Tuesday that "Republicans support IVF full stop," and added, "this is simply an attempt by Democrats to try and create a political issue where there isn't one."

But the sponsor of the Right to IVF bill, Illinois Senator Tammy Duckworth, took issue with GOP claims that they back IVF, telling NPR she changed an earlier version of her legislation after the Alabama Supreme Court ruled in February that discarded embryos...