Aggregated News
Photo by Polina Rytova on Unsplash
Science Magazine recently published a paper in which Chinese scientists reported massive yield gains in rice, thanks to genetic engineering. The journal also promoted the research in a news piece that featured other scientists expressing their amazement at the yield gains achieved. The article suggested the same “genetic tweak” to a single gene could also turbocharge the yields of wheat and other crops.
News of this apparent breakthrough in how to boost global food supplies spread like wildfire on social media and triggered press coverage too. But now a young scientist studying plant breeding has debunked the paper’s claims and dismissed as bogus the whole idea that scientists can “solve” yield through single genes.
“That’s a big number. Amazing”
The “world's leading outlet for cutting-edge research”, as Science styles itself, made sure this GM rice study by a 13-strong team led by crop physiologist Wenbin Zhou of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, commanded maximum attention.
In both the Abstract and the longer Structured Abstract that Science published, the yield increases cited for the...