
The California state Senator who authored a governance and drug-access bill opposed by the state's stem-cell agency told BioRegion News last week she didn't see the need for further amendments beyond those that have enabled the measure to clear a key Assembly committee and advance to the full Assembly.

State Sen. Sheila Kuehl (D-Santa Monica) said the amended bill would survive what she said were attempts by the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine to amend Senate Bill 1565 to death. Last week the stem-cell agency and a patients' rights group told BRN they would continue to fight the legislation because the changes didn't go as far as they had hoped, and because they fear it will discourage the funding of human embryonic stem cell research in the state.

In an interview, Kuehl said she would continue up to a point the dialogue with CIRM and its chairman, Robert Klein, that resulted in the amendments.

"I always talk to people who want to talk to me, but it doesn't mean that we're going to continue to amend, and amend, and amend...